21 Ways To Know You’re Not With A Total Jerk

We’ve all be in a relationship, or dated that one guy who treated us like total crap. Honey, don’t do that to yourself anymore! You deserve better! Come on girlfriend! Set aside from the total jerks that you’ve encountered throughout your life so far, are the guys who are the biggest sweethearts ever. They have a big heart, know how to love, and treat a girl right! Look for these signs next time you’re dating (or see if your boyfriend now holds these traits)

21. He wants a future with you, and knows what he wants to do himself in the future. He knows all your favorite things and pays attention to you.

20. He spoils you on occasion without being embarrassed about it.
19. He’s your best friend and you can be your goofy self around him, and never feel uncomfortable.

18. He isn’t judgmental and always supports your decisions.
17. Gets along with your friends and family (might I add they all love him too)
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16. Plans dates, adventures, and days for you and both your groups of friends to do together.
15. Wants to take pictures with you, for memories.

14. Doesn’t talk about his ex-girlfriends or past hook-ups.

13. Treats you well, and is super loving.
12. He’s always up for doing something fun.

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