24 Bucket List Goals To Accomplish Before You Graduate College (4)

9. Listening and learning skills. If you can master a three-hour lecture, you can sit through an quarterly earnings meeting like a champ.

8. Every odd technique you learned from trying to manage clubs, teams and extracurricular activities along side a bunch of your equally degenerate peers.

7. A relationship or the experience of one that gave you an insane insight into what it’s like to meet someone from a different place, and be able to create a world together in your collegiate escapades.

6. There’s something oddly romantic and enticing about the young and crazy glow in a person’s eyes, as they stare at you through the smoke of that little bar and find that they’re falling madly in love with you.

5. An appreciation for the fact that you’ll now be living somewhere that rarely undergoes the risk of total Friday night destruction. 


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