4 Reasons Why Weed Should Be Legalized

One of the most taboo topics in America today: should marijuana be legalized? Some people have really strong opinions as to why it should not be legal, but I believe that it’s pretty silly to not legalize it. Smoking Marijuana has its pros and cons, but in this article we think there are more positive reasons than negative for marijuana to be legalized. Here are some reasons why I believe weed should be legalized.


1. No Deaths. It will never make sense to me why alcohol is a legal substance to buy but weed is not. While alcohol causes people to possibly become angry and aggressive, get DUIs, or even die from drinking too much, weed has yet to kill a single person in history. When it comes to my body, the biggest thing that weed is a threat to is my bikini bod because of the munchies.



2. More Jobs.  If marijuana were legal, then more jobs would be created as more businesses and fields would arise. In a time where finding a job is a difficult thing to do, this would no doubt help society in that aspect.



3. Less Crime. You can be a perfect scholar that does community service and have internships, but if you were to get an offense for possession of marijuana on your record, that could really hurt your chances of getting a job. The legalization of marijuana would lead to a reduction in crime rates. As proven in Colorado and Washington, crime rates would decline due to less violence and the elimination of marijuana offenses altogether.



4. Economy.  Lastly, there are benefits for our economy with the legalization of marijuana. Because people are going to smoke weed whether it’s legal or not, why not make it legal so we can impose taxes on it? The flow of the money would be towards the government from taxes rather than gangs or other illegal groups. We know the government loves taxes, so let’s make it legal.

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