5 Things Your Boyfriend REALLY Wants for Christmas

Christmas is around the corner and with it comes a familiar question: what do you get for a guy that wants nothing? The answer to this question varies from guy to guy but if you really want to make his holiday here are a few gifts that will definitely make you seem like the greatest girlfriend in the world, as if you aren’t already.


1. A Free Weekend


One weekend to just hang out with his guy friends and do absolutely anything he wants that’s within reason. Anything that occurs during that period can’t be brought up later in an argument or to guilt him. Nothing is off limits. No hookers though.



2. Brand New Undergarments


We’ll never admit it but getting a quality package of new socks or a set of new boxers is great. Now there’s a couple more days between now and when we run out and have to do laundry.




3. A Win



For the love of Santa just let him win one argument. Winning one measly altercation isn’t going to throw off the balance of power. He could be saying that Colonel Sanders was president of the United Kingdom and that Canada is a state, but let him just have one.



4. Not to Be With Your Friends


Your friends are great, really they are. They know you just as well as we do, if not better. But to be forced into a setting where any number of like minded women are sitting there judging every little thing you do isn’t anyone’s cup of tea. Or coffee. Or poison.



5. For You to Understand Sports


No, LeBron James did not just score a touchdown. Peyton Manning does not play for the New York Yankees and most sacrilegious of all, Michael Jordan did not play in the last FIFA World cup. And yes it will feel just like that bear hug.


Merry Christmas!


A jack-of-all-trades that’s trying to master one.
Physics major at the University of Albany.

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