5 Ways To Avoid Being A Boring Couple

Getting into that “comfortable relationship rut” is easy after you’re past the honeymoon part of a relationship. Although it may seem hard, there are some easy ways to keep a relationship from getting old. So instead of being a retirement home couple, keep the love alive with a few easy tricks.

  1. Stay Spontaneous- It is easy to settle into a pattern and become very predictable in a relationship. Find new ways to stay active because you don’t have to eat take out and watch Netflix every night.


  1. Have Some Drinks!- There is no reason to get super serious about everything when you’re in college relationship. Who better to get drunk and have a little fun with than your significant other!


  1. Take Random Trips- It’s easy to keep things fresh when you’re experiencing new things together. Taking a trip with your other half can make for a good time now and good memories for later.


  1. Group Dates- If you have a hard time managing time between your bae and your friends, you can just mash them together for a group date. You can get to know each other’s friends and bring a new fun environment.


  1. Go On Real Dates- Staying in every once in a while is great, but so is going out! You don’t want to be that old couple at 20 who never goes out and socializes. At the beginning of the relationship it is constant dates and you don’t have to let that go completely.


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