6 Things That Happen When Your Jealousy Peaks (2)

3) You constantly compare yourself to the person you are jealous of and attempt to reassure yourself that you are superior. What does she have that I don’t? Are his muscles bigger than mine? Are my hips too wide? Am I too short?


2) You become way too critical of yourself, pointing out all of flaws and imperfections. You start to notice the littlest things about yourself. You search for reasons to blame your jealous on.


1) You lose track of whats important. You get angry, upset, frustrated. You make yourself crazy. Take a deep breath and sit back for a minute. This jealous side of you does not define you. Jealousy is a natural feeling that we all feel. So take it easy, think about things rationally for a minute, and remember that, in the very wise and very true words of Eleanor Roosevelt, that “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”.



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