7 Emojis that Accurately Describe Studying

There are a variety of emotions that we all feel when studying. Sometimes you’ll be confident in yourself, sometimes you’ll be lazy, sometimes you’ll be mad because you can’t seem to grasp onto the concepts, other times you’re not even studying, etc. But if you’re anything like me, you end up sending emojis to people more than you actually study.

7. When you first start studying. You realize you have plenty of time to study and you’re confident that you’ll ace the exam you have coming up. Since you have so much time and you’re sure you’ll do well, you end up spending most of your time in conversations with friends, watching Netflix, or anything else to kill time before you actually need to start studying.


6. When you realize it’s later than you thought. You thought you had plenty of time to study, but then you realized that your time slipped away from you and now you don’t have as much time as you originally thought. Whether you’re studying the day of the exam or the night before, you slowly start to panic because you don’t know if you’ll have as much time to cover everything you need to.




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