7 Reasons to Not Get Into a Serious Relationship Your Freshman Year (2)

5.) You Will Change Your Mind ALOT: With so many opportunities and new things available for you to try in college, your mind will continue to change as far as interests go. And, if you’re anything like me-you’ll want to try it all! College is all about having an open mind and experiencing new things. You need a year to focus on yourself and what you want to do instead of worrying about somebody else.


4.) Build Friendships: Instead of focusing your life on finding the “one,” focus on building lasting friendships. College is where you meet your lifelong friends, your future bridesmaids/groomsmen, find the special group of people you’ll spend the next four years with. It is important to have a friendship with someone you could potentially date anyway, so focus on friendships first. Besides, guys/girls come and go-but great friends are forever.



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