7 Types Of People On Campus

7. Brown Nosed- These are your classic students who live for kissing the professor’s butt. They are the students who actually know what’s going on, laugh at the teacher’s crappy jokes, and always answer questions. Not only are they annoying, but they also delay any chance of getting out early. They also remind the professor to collect assignments. If you wish to avoid heavy glares, steer clear of all these habits.

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6. Overzealous Jocks- Not all students who play a sport on campus match this description, but every school has at least a few of them. These are the jocks who are always seen wearing school/sport clothes. Almost everything they wear throughout the week has either the school name on it, or the sport they play. Another characteristic of this is always functioning in groups. Everywhere they go on campus, they are either huddled together, eating together, partying together, or going to the bathroom together. You will never see one of these jocks alone.

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5. Promiscuous Girls- Not even a sale at Gap Kids, yet these girls wear clothes that only cover half their bodies. When you look at these students, you’re less attracted to them, and more concerned that they will get frostbite. The most promiscuous will always be spotted with a new guy. They must survey the entire campus before they pounce.

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