The 8 Stages Of Being Drunk And What They All Look Like

You think drunk has one look and only presents itself in one way?  Think again.  The way drunkenness appears varies from person to person and, more importantly, from stage to stage.  No one goes from zero to puking on the curb immediately.  There’s a progression of drunkenness that starts when you have your first drink of the night and continues to get steadily more intense from there.

Familiarize yourself with these eight stages, so you can better recognize them in yourself and in your friends.  Remember: knowledge is power.

Stage 1: The first drink.

At this point, the only thing you’re drunk on is the promise of a great night to come.  Clink those glasses and drink up!

Stage 2: Feeling fine.

Stage 2 is when you’ve had one or two drinks and the alcohol is starting to make you relaxed.  This is the part when you’re feeling more confident and more chatty, but not making a fool out of yourself quite yet.  If you can, this is a sweet spot to hang out in for a while, because it’s that perfect level of feeling the effects of the alcohol without having it affect you too much.


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