9 Reasons Your RA Is Probably The Coolest Person You’ll Ever Meet

Before you even registered to be a student, you encountered both RAs and tour guides on campus. They were the loud, cheerful people you met on prospective student tours. They were the ones who strode around purposefully, appeared to know everybody and seemed to have an endless supply of confidence. Basically, they looked like they had their sh*t together. RAs get bad reputation as either sticklers for the rules or being overly happy. Here’s a truth bomb for the first years: your RAs are awesome people and here’s why:

9. They are the masters of getting free stuff. 3/4 of their wardrobe consists of free t-shirts from campus events. I can guarantee that they know exactly which functions give out the mini toiletry sets too.


8. Most RAs have lived a lot in a short amount of time. They make great mentors and even better friends.


7. Think about it. Your RAs are responsible for an entire floor of students. They literally get the opportunity to meet and form relationships with people from all over the world. They create international connections without even trying.



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