8 Ways Those Who Attend School Out of State Have The Most College Fun (2)

6. You finally get to eat food you’ve seen on Instagram.

Don’t pretend like you haven’t liked 8,000 pictures of food you wish you could eat. It sucked because you were nowhere near the location. Now, you have the chance to actually try some of that food. The best part is that if you are confronted about your overeating, you can just say “I like trying new things.” No one will judge you. They’ll just think you’re being adventurous. #winning


5. You will now be one of those college kids in advertisements who appear to be living it up.

You know how every college has tons of advertisements that show how cool it would be to attend that college? Now you too can be one of those kids in the advertisements, living it up. You will show others everywhere that you are cool…and the school isn’t that bad either.

