College Students Reveal Their Craziest One Night Stand Stories, And They’re Great (2)

I wake up to him saying “shit!! My dad wasn’t supposed to come home so early” (I had just thought he lived with roommates) He tells me to jump in his closet (I’m fully nude and my clothes are in the living room) I start to argue but he insists and so I get in there and hear them having small talk for almost an hour. I realize I really have to pee, and they just drag on and I’m dancing around. And then the guy I slept with left for work!!!! And I can hear the dad making breakfast and just settling in. I panic, how am I gonna get my clothes…. Fuck my clothes, I’ll use his clothes, so I take the stuff in the closet all I found were shirts. I fucking ran for my life full speed through the house with sex hair and a long shirt to my car. The dad yelled “what the damn hell who are you!!”
