10 Struggles You Face When You’re Stubborn As Hell

Written By: Emily Bernstein

Article Originally Published On ReadUnWritten.com 

I’m the stubborn girl. The girl who is set in her ways and hates when plans are changed. I can’t stand it when things don’t go my way (even though I know how to act like an adult about it). It doesn’t hinder my life – too much – but I’m definitely identifiable as the stubborn friend. Some people would be embarrassed to say “Oh, I’m stubborn” but I’mstubbornly unapologetic about it. If you don’t like the way I am, sorry! I’m too stubborn to change. I’ve compiled a list of struggles that stubborn people like me often have.

That utter frustration when the plans change the last minute.

You know when you have dinner plans with friends and then they’re like, “Just kidding! I’m also bringing my boyfriend and his two best friends. Hope that’s okay!” It’s not…but thanks so much for asking in advance.