Top 10 Ice Bucket Challenge Videos Thus Far

If you are unaware of the Ice Bucket Chal­lenge, shame on you. The Ice Bucket Chal­lenge has raised OVER 1 MILLION DOLLARS already for ALS. Check out the Top 10 Videos made in our opin­ion so far!

WAIT.… If you don’t know what is by now, get your head straight, SERIOUSLY. It’s kind of the hottest col­lege web­site in the world right now, so give us a LIKE on Face­book —> HERE and give us a FOLLOW on Twitter/Instagram–> @UPrimetime. You won’t regret it. We have some awe­some give­aways in the near future! 


9. This reporter does it. Fast for­ward to the 1:58 mark.

8. O.A.R did it.

7. The NY Giants play­ers did it.

6. Another news reporter.

5. Sid­ney Crosby of the Penguins.

4. This is just hilar­i­ous this one.

3. Fast for­ward to the 39 sec­ond mark.

2. This is a total Ice Bucket Chal­lenge Failure.

and # 1 goes to.……


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the ice bucket chal­lenge is great in rais­ing aware­ness for ALS and help­ing raise money
but i’d like to point out that at 0:29 in the #10 video (w/ the Kennedys), the one girl just dumps the water out…

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