11 Signs You’re Secretly Old

Old people sitting together on a bench

Sometimes we are just lazy college kids who don’t feel like doing much after hours of studying, but other times some of us realize that we differ greatly from the people around us who seem to enjoy the hustle and bustle of everyday life. If many of these signs resonate with you, you may be secretly old at heart.

11. You wouldn’t mind having at least five cats or more. 


10. You have taken up knitting as a hobby and you don’t understand when people make fun of you for it. “Hello, I’m making myself a super cute scarf here!”


9. You find yourself saying, “It’s too late to start a movie” because you know you won’t be able to stay up to watch the entire thing.  


8. Just the idea of going out on the weekends tires you. It excites you to put your pajamas on, make a mug of hot coco, and read a good book in your bed while the rest of your friends are getting all dressed up to go clubbing.


7. The activity you’ve most been looking forward to on your campus is grocery bingo. This one is pretty self explanatory. Bingo is for old people.


6. Having game/card night with your family or friends is the highlight of your week. 



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