What A.L.S. Really Means To People

Trends come and go but certain things have yet to find their way out of our lives. Lou Gehrig’s Disease is one of the many awful diseases that scientists and medical researchers have yet to find a cure for. Nearly 30,000 Americans suffer from Lou Gehrig’s Disease, or as many of you may know it as now: ALS, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Because of the viral “Ice Bucket Challenge,” the ALS Association has been able to raise $8.6 million in a single day! That’s more than $25 million dollars raised so far, and people are continuing to donate more. Most importantly, this challenge has brought awareness to a disease that many people, including myself, were uneducated about.

While some people find it silly and amusing to dump buckets of freezing water onto their friends’ heads, it is more important to know why they are doing it and why these videos have taken over our news feeds. In the most simple terms, Lou Gehrig’s Disease can lead to loss of brain function, paralysis, and even death in some cases.  This video really touched my heart and will give you an inside look on how ALS can truly affect people. And if there is any Ice Bucket Challenge video you should watch, “like”, and share, it is this one.


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