An Open Letter to 13-Year-Old Girls Today (2)

You don’t need shoes that are more expensive than my paycheck. You don’t need 8 identical pairs of Victoria’s Secret zip-ups or $80 contouring sets. You don’t have to spend two hours every morning doing your hair just to have it ruined by the rain and just to show up to a school filled with people who won’t remember your name after you move into high school. I know that you think creating this ideal image for yourself to show your peers that you’re “cool” is the most important thing in the world, but believe me it’s not. Save your parents’ hard-earned money that they make breaking their backs at work every day by not asking for $200 boots or $150 jeans that you’re going to outgrow in 5 months anyway.

You guys are still young; go outside and play with your siblings. Get dirty, fill your lungs with fresh air, put your cell phones down and enjoy the last bit of innocence and childhood you’re ever going to get. You have no idea how lucky you are to have little to no responsibilities yet, so stop trying to make it out like you’re so much older than you are. There’s a time for adulthood and it’s not during your early teenage years. You have the rest of your life to act and look like an adult, so sit back and enjoy your youth with your friends.

Don’t waste your time on older “relationships” that will never matter, drinking two beers and throwing it up all over your bathroom, smoking in your room and trying desperately to shield the smell from your parents, sneaking out through your window only to get caught and lose all of your parents’ trust, and please, stop trying to make the older girls like you. Chances are, they probably won’t no matter how hard you try. Girls your age are some of the most monstrous and cruel human beings to ever grace the earth, so hang out with who feels right and forget the rest.

It’s true that every generation seems to change drastically from one to the next, but I guess it never felt as real as the shift between my generation and the early teenagers of today. While I spent my pre-adolescent years with braces, hideous glasses, and acting in the most embarrassing ways, these kids are addicted to social media, hair straighteners, makeup, and expensive outfits. We all strive to make people like us at least a little bit, but it breaks my heart to see kids at the age of thirteen already ruining their relationships and trust with the adults in their lives by trying to fit in with these ridiculously outrageous standards that their peers hold them to.

Congrats, though, I wish my generation was the one to master getting rid of the awkward stage because man did I suffer…bad.

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