15 Interesting Uses For Alcohol (When You’re Not Drinking It) (5)

3. Use wine in your bath for smooth skin. You’ll be swimming in alcohol… and with good reason. Red wine is the key to having your skin feel as smooth as a baby’s bottom. 2.


12 College Majors Everyone Would Love…If They Were Real

Wouldn’t college be so much cooler if you were judged for your ability to do the things you already love doing? What if you received an exam for how many hours you slept? You’re an


12 College Majors Everyone Would Love…If They Were Real (2)

9. Instafame Master the art of becoming Instafamous. 8. Chatting Physics Learn how to chat like a pro before physical interaction. 7. Barhopping Discover the art of barhopping.


12 College Majors Everyone Would Love…If They Were Real (3)

6. Shopping Help make the world a better place by spending lots of money. 5. Selfies Learn to document the various events of your life. 4. Texting Become fluent in texting to increase your multitasking


12 College Majors Everyone Would Love…If They Were Real (4)

3. Netflix Binging Binge-watch shows and discover your emotions for fictional characters. 2. Eating Enhance your appreciation for food by basking in the glory of diverse cuisine. 1. Sleeping Learn to make your days more


12 Ways McLovin Summed Up Partying In College

Superbad is a film that describes the struggle to be a part of the “in crowd”. When you arrive on college grounds, the feeling of new-found freedom is inexplicable. You think of the places you


12 Ways McLovin Summed Up Partying In College (2)

10. The moment you realize you’re not going to get as lucky as you thought… 9. but that doesn’t stop you from trying to impress the girl with your bad boy routine.


12 Ways McLovin Summed Up Partying In College (3)

8. You’ve clearly had enough to drink, but insist that you’re “good.” 7. When your conscience feels you’ve done enough damage for the evening.


12 Ways McLovin Summed Up Partying In College (4)

6. Finding any reason to talk to a girl. 5. That moment you see people you actually know.


12 Ways McLovin Summed Up Partying In College (5)

4. The massive sigh of relief you feel when you realize that some people actually think you’re pretty cool. 3. When you’re trying to make an impression in front of some bros and end up looking