15 Lies Girls Tell Guys

15) “I’m on my period” You’ve been denied. Flat out, no, you are not getting laid tonight, regardless if this is true or not. 14) “We are better off as friends..” She’s actually not into


The Power of Truly Impactful Profs

It’s the first week and you walk into your classroom– immediately you give your professor a once over and judge the entire semester to come. You create expectations as they review the syllabus, addressing assignments


What Men Say and What They Mean

“There is a logic box and we just don’t have it”, speaks my “manly” neighbor.  99% of the time guys mean the literal words they say.. but here is the secret few they neglect to


A Letter Of Encouragement on Your All-Nighter Studying

Here I am, it’s 6 am. I told myself studying for a full night was responsible, logical honestly. I told my self I could do this, but here I am. It’s 4 hours before the final… The


15 Things Your Roommate Could Blackmail You With

You and your roommates know each other better than anyone else. What happens at home should stay at home, yet we all have the temptation to spill these juicy secrets.. 15. Your mental breakdowns that