Crazy Chinese Music Video

Just like the interesting Japanese music videos, China has started making some of their own. Chinese pop music group, Mainland China CPOP, posted this video on youtube and it’s pretty crazy. The video includes men and women


10 Crazy Thanksgiving Themed Foods

  With thanksgiving around the corner, families everywhere are getting ready for the great feast. Classic items you’ll see at the table may include: turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and cranberry sauce. These are all delicious


Get Ready Black Friday Shoppers!

As time goes on, Black Friday has turned into a bigger and bigger event. It’s getting so big, that in the near future, it will engulf Thanksgiving completely. Black Friday will be the new holiday.


Treacherous Winter Wipeouts

When a parent is picking up a child, they know it can be a boring wait. What better way to entertain yourself than watching student after student wipeout on the same patch of ice? Not


Christmas Music On Belly Drums

Every year holiday commercials are made to start the Christmas shopping season. We are all used to seeing sexy women dressed in lingerie or as Santa and very fit men “jingling” to Christmas music. This


Top 10 Colleges With The Snowiest Campuses

Going to a college with warm, tropical weather all year-round would be a dream, but for some the harsh reality is snow and lots of it. Even though we all think the winter is the


Top 25 Colleges With The Best Off-Campus Housing

Living in a dorm can be expensive. So why not get an apartment with some of your friends and split the rent instead of paying for full housing fees? You can get a lot more


50 Things To Do During Class

Nothing is worse than boring lectures. Even though trying to learn something in class is a good idea, sometimes you’re just not mentally there. Here are 50 things to do in class when you’re trying


10 Roommate Sins To Avoid

Living with another person can be new for many people when in college. You might not be the perfect roommate at first, but there are things that you’ll want to avoid to keep the peace.


Roommate Caught In Embarrassing Act

Everyone will experience an interesting roommate while in college, but have you ever caught your roommate doing something like this? Krewski  found his roommate cleaning up after a Halloween party, with a twist. Instead of cleaning