11 Seasons You Get When You Go To School in Pittsburgh

Going to college in Pittsburgh is a unique experience. Aside from being a student to some of the best universities in Pennsylvania, there are some things that only going to school in the area can


11 Seasons You Get When You Go To School in Pittsburgh (2)

8. Winter coat + tanktop weather: This involves most of September – the morning calls for your heaviest winter jacket and hot coffee, but by the time you walk out of class at noon, you


11 Seasons You Get When You Go To School in Pittsburgh (3)

5. Frozen Beards/Leg Hair: There’s not really a transition period between fall and winter. It’s like Elsa visits us overnight, and then there’s so much ice on the sidewalks, sideways snow, and Jack Frost nipping


Bro Asks CSUF Girls If They Like Classy Guys, And Girls Just Can’t Help But Laugh

SUBMIT YOUR CONTENT TO [email protected] to be featured! Remember, FOLLOW us on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW! What type of guys do college girls really like? Hot guys,


8 Ways to Refocus in Class When You’re Struggling to Stay Awake

Do you ever feel like this guy here? And then your professor stares at you or wakes you up and you have to respond like this? And then you do this again 5 minutes later? Here