Why It’s Okay Not To Know What You’re Doing With Your Life (2)

6. Life doesn’t make sense- You can analyze, extrapolate, and ugly cry over the fact that life is a basic b*tch with no rhyme or reason to it. Everyone is constantly waiting for that moment when things


Why It’s Okay Not To Know What You’re Doing With Your Life (3)

4. Variety is the spice of life- At some point, you’ll find an interest that you can take all the way, but until then, try everything. Dip your toes into different career paths and figure out


Why It’s Okay Not To Know What You’re Doing With Your Life (4)

2. The self-discovery struggle bus is a hard one to get off of- Sometimes, we don’t know ourselves as well as we should. It’s an uphill battle to listen to our own hearts over the opinions


10 Thoughts You’ve Had While Lusting After Your Hot TA (2)

8. How low does my grade need to be before I can justify weekly one-on-one tutoring sessions with him? 7. Meeting up with my TA after office hours is totally a date, right?


10 Thoughts You’ve Had While Lusting After Your Hot TA (3)

6. I’m going to actually study for this class. Raising my hand is a perfect excuse to show off my cleavage and my intelligence.  5. I don’t think I’ll ever ditch this class. 


10 Thoughts You’ve Had While Lusting After Your Hot TA (4)

4. At least three of my college fantasies started off with him saying, “Can I see you after class?” 3. Is it really against the rules for my TA to be shirtless during class? Because


10 Thoughts You’ve Had While Lusting After Your Hot TA (5)

2. No, I don’t think the class would mind if you ravished me on top of this desk.  1. There’s only a month left of the semester. If I ask him out after the end


Why It’s Okay Not To Know What You’re Doing With Your Life

College is about finding yourself. At 18, you’re not likely to know what you want to do with your life. At 21, you probably still haven’t figured that out. Newsflash: It’s okay. You’re supposed to


10 Thoughts You’ve Had While Lusting After Your Hot TA

Hot TA’s are the cornerstone of college fantasies, but in general, they’re hard to come by. You are one of the lucky ones if you discover that your professor’s teaching assistant is a nine on