380k-390k worth of Pokémon Cards arrived in a box and all of them are Charizard!

I used to collect them back in 2001-2005 and now I regret letting them go :'(


Why You Shouldn’t Call Girls “Slutty” For Their Halloween Costume

You and your friends might get creative, but in the end, it’s about wearing whatever makes you happiest. And guess what? That goes for EVERYONE. Every year, girls get subjected to severe scrutiny for wearing “slutty


Guy Steals Car But Returns It The Next Day With A Note, Money, And An Explanation

Grand theft auto is a serious felony. It could result in imprisonment, restitution for the victim, a hefty fine or probation. It can also be particularly damaging to the victim of the crime who most


Adorable Cat’s Family Throws Her A Quinceañera For Her 15th Birthday

Giving animals human attributes is cute. It’s utterly adorable. I mean, have you ever seen a picture of a dog wearing sunglasses? That’s absolutely killer. When it comes to taking care of animals, many people


12 Ways to Destress Before Finals

December is here, that means finals are soon to follow. Now if you’re like me, and the stress of exams just gets to you, here’s 12 ways to destress before finals.12. Face masksYeah, it may sound typical, but trust me, face masks work wonders. You are washing away all the stress from your face, plus …


Brave Cambodian Boys Shock Everyone By Catching Monster Python With Their Bare Hands

Three boys named Sray, Son, and Bopha take themselves down to the river just a half mile from their village. Armed with large saw-like machetes, these boys aren’t messing around. They have to put on


What Your College Major Says About You

10. Liberal Arts You’re terrible at making decisions so you had a hard time picking a major. L.A. was the easy way out of having to choose one but your parents can still be proud


Police Say That People With This Specific Tattoo Pattern Could Be Incredibly Dangerous

Tattoos have different meanings for different people. The number of reasons as to why we get them can vary depending on our lives, experiences, environment, inspirations, hobbies, religion, and so on and so forth. TattoosWin


Great New Recruitment Video from USC Pi Beta Phi!

WE’RE HIRING MORE WRITERS! E-mail [email protected] now to join our team of 1,000+ writers from across the country! Remember, do yourself a favor and FOLLOW us on Instagram now for more —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW!University of South Carolina Pi Beta Phi…


Crazy Company Introduces Beer “For Women” And Twitter Is Losing It

A brewery in Czech recently launched a product they assumed would be hot off the shelves but were met with a big surprise when people from around the globe weren’t too happy with their angle.