In Defense of Letters: the Top 4 Reasons to Not Judge a Frat Bro

In Defense of Let­ters: the Top 4 Rea­sons to Not Judge a Frat Bro

Movies like Neigh­bors and TV shows like ABC Family’s hit series Greek present the mod­ern day frat boy as a reck­less, drunken mess. In defense of fra­ter­nity broth­ers and their let­ters every­where, here are 4 rea­sons why the “frat bro” stereo­type isn’t that accurate.

1. They Have Great Social Skills: The rush process is one of the most stress­ful events a stu­dent will encounter in col­lege; this is the time when an individual’s abil­ity to social­ize is put to the test. Those who receive bids are more often than not the ones who can present them­selves in a man­ner that is as con­ver­sa­tional and intel­li­gent as it is “chill.” You can count on a frat bro to adapt to vir­tu­ally all social sit­u­a­tions, because chances are they’ve already expe­ri­enced most of them.

2. They Under­stand Com­mit­ment: Join­ing Greek life is a major com­mit­ment that requires time and effort, and often a lot of it. Be it attend­ing chap­ter meet­ings, or host­ing rush or phil­an­thropic events, fra­ter­nity broth­ers are expected to be active par­tic­i­pants in their fra­ter­nity. Going Greek is a choice, and one done out of pas­sion. Few things are stronger than the bond between brothers.

3. They Net­work: Here’s where the frat boy stereo­type gets it wrong: fra­ter­ni­ties are much more than the Fri­day night party spot. Fra­ter­ni­ties main­tain con­nec­tions with their alums, and actively seek to make new con­nec­tions, both pro­fes­sion­ally, as well as with other fra­ter­ni­ties and soror­i­ties. Some fra­ter­ni­ties like Delta Kappa Epsilon pos­sess Greek mem­ber­ship to elite pri­vate net­work­ing loca­tions like the Yale Club in New York City. It’s no secret that frat boys know how to turn up, so it shouldn’t be a sur­prise that they also know when to turn down.

4. They’re Cul­tur­ally Aware: In addi­tion to net­work­ing, fra­ter­ni­ties also focus on phil­an­thropy. By host­ing clever events (i.e. “Pie a Sigma Pi”) broth­ers raise money to sup­port a vari­ety of orga­ni­za­tions world­wide, which can range from can­cer aware­ness to domes­tic vio­lence. No one regrets doing good.

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