Defining The Perfect Guy That College Girls Desire


Ladies, we can all agree that Channing Tatum is the “perfect” guy (if we’re talking looks), but looks aren’t everything, ( but are still VERY important). Everyone has a different type of the perfect guy, but there are a few characteristics that every guy must have to fit the description “Perfect.” Every guy must:

8. First and foremost, BE A GENTLEMAN.

Be a gentleman as in respecting his girl and treating her like he would want his daughter to be treated. Opening the door, paying for dinner, and making her feel like she’s in a fairytale.

7. Understand the mind of a girl.

EVERY girl is an over thinker, no doubt, so every guy should pay attention to his words and actions before saying/doing them because a girl could take something totally different than what it was intentionally meant to be.

6. Take his girl out atleast once a week.

Doing this will continue to make the relationship grow whether you are 22 or 62, spending time in public makes the relationship more likely to not get boring.4.

5. Always remember important dates.

Girls remember them, guys should too….it’ll just show a girl that a guy actually cares.

4. Never make their girl feel like she is in competition with any other girl.

In today’s society, people notice girls who think they have to compete with other girls for “their man.” No girl should have to feel that way. Always make her feel like she is the only one….(she should be).

3. Introduce his girl to important people in his life.

If a guy is serious about being serious with a girl, then introducing her to mom, dad, Grandma, Grandpa, bestfriend, etc. should be a must. It just shows a girl that a guy really likes her and plans for a long-lasting relationship.

2. Be her “HERO”

Girls tend to call their boyfriends when something dramatic has happened in her life. She does it because she wants to see the emotional side of him and wants him to comfort her. When girls see this side of a guy, she knows it’s real and that there is no doubt he cares for her.

1. Last, but not least, NEVER let anyone disrespect her.

Everyone has that “one” friend who drinks a little too much sometimes and says things they shouldn’t because they have to share their bestfriend with someone else. Standing up for a girl shows her that you have her back no matter who it is disrespecting her.

So ladies, before you settle down with a guy, make sure he is The “Perfect” guy. And guys, be that perfect guy for her and you’ll have her wrapped around your finger. Plain and simple.


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