Difference In Sleeping With Someone, And Someone You Love


The term “hooking up” has become used so widely nowadays, it can be really taken any way unless specified. In high school it was primarily a make out session, but in college we’re talking about sex.

Sex in college varies, and it’s really what you decide to make it. From a one night stand to being officially dating it’s all over the map. The thing is though, sleeping with someone you have known for a short time or even just met that night is so different. When you sleep with someone you’re not too familiar with it’s new and exciting. There’s really no feelings with it- and that’s okay (if you want it that way). Some people like to have a weekend hookup, there’s no shame it in. I caution you though, hookups tend to lead to feelings and someone will usually get hurt. I’ve found with girls we usually feel pretty shi**y afterwards, you can’t expect anything from it.

The reason sleeping with someone you actually love though is so powerful because you don’t have to “get right down to business.” You’ll have the deep talks and learn to love that specific person for everything they are, and everything they are not. It’s comfortable and you’re not under pressure. You’ll laugh, cry, and be crazy with that person and that’s what you love about it. You can just lay in bed and look into their eyes and realize how happy you are. If no words are said, it’s not weird or awkward, you’re just enjoying their presence.

When it comes down to it, who will actually be there for you? A random hookup or someone who actually knows you inside and out. Have fun, but choose wisely.

future Pam of Dunder Mifflin

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