Finals Week As Told By Your Favorite Orange is the New Black Characters

Because finals week might as well be prison.

10. Your first final.

wasn't ready

You really sympathize with Piper here (beginning of first season, of course). You’re seated by the few people you never talked to in class. Everyone else seems to be fine and prepared, even talking about their plans after the final. As if there is going to be an after to this level of hell.

9. Spending the rest of your day cramming.


You refuse to talk to anyone, lock yourself in your room, and attempt to study, finish your projects, and get your life together. And it’s only Monday.

8. Group study session.


You need this, mainly as a way to know that your classmates are suffering as much as you are.

7. That person from your class who forwards their notes to everyone.


When you thought it was about time to give up, someone pulls through. You no longer have to fear asking your professor questions this late in the game.

6. Your first all nighter.

all night

It may be to get a project done or study everything you need to know before your final the next day. Regardless, you’re in the zone and know nothing but (insert subject here). You wish you could have spent more time paying attention in class, but as Crazy Eyes will tell you, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery!”


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