A Girl Left Her Contacts In For 6 Months, These Are The Results

photo credit: Anna S. Kitz­mann, M.D.

It sounds like a clas­sic urban myth, the sort of thing that would be shared wildly until coun­ter­acted by Snopes. How­ever, Tai­wanese under­grad­u­ate Lian Kao really has been blinded as a result of not chang­ing her con­tact lenses.

The space between con­tact lenses and the eye is well suited to allow­ing microor­gan­isms that don’t like oxy­gen to breed, and worse still, feed on the cornea. Acan­thamoeba rep­re­sents the main threat, and in Kao’s case six months of not remov­ing her lenses gave it ample time to become established.

While lenses that haven’t been cleaned pose a risk, not tak­ing them out at all is a far greater dan­ger. Kao report­edly didn’t remove her lenses for six months, not only sleep­ing in them but swim­ming as well. Since swim­ming pools often con­tain Acan­thamoeba this greatly height­ened her risk.

Dr Wu Jian-Liang, direc­tor of opthal­mol­ogy at Wan Fang Hos­pi­tal said, “A short­age of oxy­gen can destroy the sur­face of the epithe­lial tis­sue, cre­at­ing tiny wounds into which the bac­te­ria can eas­ily infect, spread­ing to the rest of the eye and pro­vid­ing a per­fect breed­ing ground.”

 VIA iflscience.com/

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