How College is like Kindergarten (3)

Things seem harder than they were before you entered


Before kindergarten, life was all about doing what you wanted when you wanted. You probably didn’t have too much of a daily routine, the only people who told you what to do were your parents, and you got what you wanted when you wanted. Now that school has started, your teachers are always telling you what to do, when to do it, who to do it with, and what’s right and wrong with the way you do things. College is the same way; life was simpler before you got a taste of what the real world was like. Now you have to think about things like taxes, financial aid, paying tuition, and what you want to do with the rest of your life. Now you’re probably wishing you could go back to kindergarten.

You need a nap in order to survive the day


When we were little, nap time was the most dreaded time in our day. We would kick, scream, and fight if it meant that we wouldn’t have to lay down and sleep for an extra hour that day. When you get to college, however, naps become your godsend. Any gap of time you have between things you need to do, you’re most likely napping. Going to bed at 3am then getting up at 7:30am for class messes up your entire sleep schedule (which does not exist in college) so you have to make up sleep somewhere!

You get notes sent home to your parents


Your parents have probably told you stories about your younger years when your teachers would send them notes home or call them up about your bad behavior. You bit this kid, hit this kid, didn’t listen in the lunch line, wouldn’t line up to come inside from the playground. In college, you may also get notes sent home to your parents. You got an underage drinking ticket, you’re failing a class that is necessary for graduation, you’ve gotten written up 3 times this month, you’re half a point away from losing your scholarship.

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