How To NOT Look Like A Stereotypical College Freshman

20. Lose the freebies you got on move-in day.

Stop wearing that free lanyard your RA gave you around your neck. Go to the bookstore and upgrade your school spirit with t-shirts and sweatshirts.

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19. Know your classes and campus.

Don’t be that kid that needs to pull out a map of the campus or walk into the wrong classroom. It’s just embarrassing. Try and make time before classes start to see where everything’s located around campus to avoid the stares of 30 kids and a biology professor who’s classroom you just interrupted thinking it was your entry level English class.

18. Don’t be the upperclassmen’s bitch.

You came to college to be your own person. There are plenty of groups on college where you can fit in at, and if you’re just letting yourself be bossed around by an upperclassman for party connections you clearly are not looking in the right places for parties because they’re everywhere.


17. Stop dwelling in high school.

What happened in high school should stay in high school. Popularity does not exist here, and whatever minute drama happened in high school will not even compare to the issues that will come up in college.


16. Be yourself, don’t try to impress anyone.

College is the time to be the person you wanted to be, not something you’re not. It’s a whole lot easier to make friends in college, and you don’t have to dress like a douchebag to make them.

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15. High school’s over, stop procrastinating.

You might have been able to finish your homework 5 minutes before class in high school, but good luck pulling an all-nighter to finish a 15 page research paper on a topic you never even looked up once.


14. Don’t compare your friends back home to the new friends you made at college.

They are not going to be the same. The new friends you make at college don’t know about how your first kiss was or your first time drunk. They haven’t known you since elementary school, but soon enough you’ll realize just how quickly they become your family.

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13. High school rings.

Don’t wear them. Just don’t.


12. High school GPA and SAT scores.

Nobody cares how smart you were or how high your test scores were. They’re irrelevant now.

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11. Stop talking about other colleges you applied to.

You didn’t choose those to go to any of those colleges and neither did any of your friends, who are listening to you tell the story about how you got into an ivy league for the millionth time.


10. Know your drinking limits.

Nobody likes a puker, unless you want to never be invited back to the apartment that you` just vomited all over the floor of; and eat something before you drink too dammit.


9. Don’t wear old high school sports gear.

You don’t play for the college football team, so keep your varsity jacket in your closet.


8. Stay classy at parties.

Don’t be that annoying attention seeking drunk that nobody likes. It’s not cute like everyone thought it was at high school parties.


7. Change your profile pic.

Most likely your profile picture is still from your senior prom or graduation. It’s time to change it.


6. Challenge yourself.

College is the time to go out of your comfort zone. So take that hard upper level class or do that keg stand.

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5. Dress attire.

It’s okay to wear sweats. Nobody expected for you to look like your having lunch with Obama for your 8am anyway; half of them are still in their pajamas form last night.

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4. Stop trying to look for a relationship everywhere you go.

Chances are you’re not going to find one.

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3. Work out; the Freshman 15 is real.

Keep eating the buffet from the dining hall three times a day and avoid the gym if you want to go home for break and watch everyone stare at your beer belly.


2. Stop expecting college to be like what you’re older sibling told you it would be like.

Your college experience is not going to be the same as the experience your straight A’s sister or dropout brother that partied too much. Make it your own.


1. Confidence is key.

In whatever direction you take in college make a decision and trust instincts; they haven’t failed you yet have they?


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