21 Freaky Social Media Posts These People Posted Right Before They Died

Darren Mitchell, a single father, was driving home from his graveyard shift at a local ice cream factory Brenham, TX on May 26, 2016. Darren often worked extended hours at the factory was described as exhausted by his coworkers. This was because he was caring for his daughter in the day, and working at night. On his way home through pouring rain, his car skid from a low-lying bridge and moments before his death he posted this…


A recently admitted medical student Michele Cardoso was looking for a fun night out on town with her friends to celebrate her admission. Michele and the group ended up at a local hotspot called Boate Kiss in Santa Maria, Brazil. Normally Michele isn’t the kind of girl to check in at night clubs, but tonight was different. Michele posted the status that in English says “Fire at KISS help”. Little did she know this would be her last post on Facebook.


Some would say call for help when you’re in trouble, others, like Michelle Rowling would post on Facebook instead. Michelle was “Self Employed and Loving It!” until all of that came to end. Her ex-boyfriend, 25-year-old Montrell Cooper, had been released from prison earlier that day. He had continuously told her that the first thing he would do upon release was kill her after she testified against him in his assault case. This is what she posted…


Keep reading for more crazy last second social media post just before death. You’re not going to believe number two on our list.

No matter what your parents may have said about body art growing up, most people reach adulthood knowing the truth, tattoos are cool. They can be a very strong form of self expression, one more powerful than simply slapping on a pin or walking around with a vague slogan on your jacket. They can also just be pretty cute or just plain awesome. Some people just pick something they think is neat and get it done, while others toss and turn for months trying to decide on the perfect design. Hopefully in the end, you wind up with something you’re happy with, even proud of. But some people don’t get quite what they asked for, or realize too late that maybe they should have just gone with a flower or a bird. Here are some of those people.




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