The New Taylor Swift; Should She Stay or Go?

Tay­lor Swift debuted her new song and video “Shake it Off” yes­ter­day and well.. it’s very poppy and once again Tay­lor Swift is drift­ing even fur­ther away from the coun­try cir­cuit. The song will be a part of her newest album titled ‘1989’ which will be released in October.

The song is very upbeat and noth­ing at all like what Swift has done in the past. She claims that she got her inspi­ra­tion from lis­ten­ing to 80’s pop music. And even though the sound is dif­fer­ent and this is an upbeat song for once, she still sings about her usual prob­lems. For exam­ple one of the lyrics are “I go on too many dates, but I can’t make them stay, at least that’s what peo­ple say.” 

Over­all, the song is very mediocre espe­cially with a cho­rus that goes “but I keep cruis­ing, can’t stop, won’t stop work­ing … because a player’s gonna play, play, play, and haters are gonna hate, hate, hate, but I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake.” Oh yeah, did I men­tion that she also attempts to rap?

We all know that Swift is extremely tal­ented but this new route just isn’t meant for her.

So, take a lis­ten to the song for your­self. Do you miss the old “Teardrops on my Gui­tar” Tay­lor Swift, or do you like the new try­ing to be pop star?



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