An Open Letter To The College Professor Who Helped Me Pursue My Dream

College is a ridiculously fun time filled with a lot of inner turmoil.

These 4(ish) years will heavily impact the rest of your life…which is a completely scary thought.  When I came to college I only had the smallest idea of what I wanted to do, which is something I consider myself very lucky for.  Bright eyed I informed one of the professors for my major that I wanted to save the world.  Instead of looking at me like I had four heads and each was speaking a different language, he just kind of smiled and said “alright…let’s see what we can do.”  That was the beginning.

So to the college professor who helped me pursue my dream:

Thank you.  I have spent the past handful of years doubting myself so thank you for not contributing to that.  Thank you for not allowing me to slack on the goal I told you as a bright-eyed freshman.  Thank you for not allowing me to become jaded as I began to see the world for what it truly is.  You have never stopped pushing me and providing me with opportunities but you don’t hold my hand along the way, and for that I am also grateful.  I have been able to stray from the path every once and a while to take part in classes that interest me but I know now what I am truly passionate about.

Thank you for sending me email after email about internship opportunities, places you think I should study abroad, and all of the different conferences going on in my field of study.  I appreciate how much you seem to believe in me.  You really are convinced that I am going to become something, which is a mindset that escapes me every once and a while.  Not to mention you have somehow managed to continuously talk me down off the “college dropout” ledge, each time with more grace than before.

So, like I have said a million times before (but also not enough), thank you.  I can genuinely say I would be pretty lost without your open office hours, quick responses to my emails, and willingness to meet with me at a moment’s notice.  And even though I’m still not entirely sure what I want to spend the rest of my life doing, I’m definitely not as lost anymore.


That still bright-eyed college student

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