Overlooked, Ridiculous Celebrity Baby Names

I would like to know where celebrities get the ideas for their children’s names. Yeah, I understand they have money, so bullies in their schools cannot really say much. However, there were jokes about North West’s name before she was even breathing oxygen. I always imagine the faces future teachers and classmates will make when taking attendance at the beginning of class the first day. To me, it seems unfair to these poor kids.

But, it is not any less entertaining.

Some baby names raise eyebrows all over the place, and others seem to stay off the radar. The A-list celebrities’ children get more attention, but that does not mean that the less famous money makers do not shy away from the crazy names.

Kyd, son of David Duchovny


He literally named his kid, Kyd. I imagine this is how the birth certificate conversation went:

Nurse: “What do you want to name your kid?”

David: “Kyd.”

Nurse: “Yes, your kid.”

Tu Morrow, daughter of Rob Morrow

As Annie says, “Tu Morrow, Tu Morrow, I love ya, Tu Morrow. You’re only a day away…” Right?

Bronx Mowgli, son of Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz


It is a good thing he looks nothing like the Jungle Book character Mowgli because the poor kid would never live that one down. It is also a good thing he is absolutely adorable and has two pretty bad ass parents.

Audio Science, son of Shannyn Sossamon


I just Googled “Audio Science” for a photo and apparently there is a software company by me in Rochester, N.Y., with the same name. So, that’s all I have to say about this one.

Zuma Nesta Rock – Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale


This photo must have been after Blake Shelton came into the picture (peep the cowboy boots). Speaking of Blake, I wonder what his reaction was to her son’s name at first.

Petal Blossom Rainbow, Poppy Honey, Daisy Boo, and Buddy Bear Maurice, children of Jamie Oliver


*Insert upside-down smiley face emoji here*

Chosen, son of Cam Newton


FOX Sports reported that Cam Newton did not want his son to be Cam Jr. because of the pressure it will bring as he gets older. But, yeah, Chosen is good.

Moroccan Scott, son of Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon


This poor kid sounds like he was named after an herbal supplement or something.

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