8 Ways to Refocus in Class When You’re Struggling to Stay Awake (2)

6. Fix your posture. Sit up straight so that it’s harder to fall asleep. Here’s a trick – stick a rolled up towel or sweatshirt behind you, at the small of the back. Keep your


8 Ways to Refocus in Class When You’re Struggling to Stay Awake (3)

4. Stretch it out. Here are some ways to do it without drawing too much attention to yourself (so, probably not like this guy below). – Butt stretch: Cross your ankle over your knee (you know,


8 Ways to Refocus in Class When You’re Struggling to Stay Awake (4)

2. Knit in class or do something with your hands. Yup, I was the kid who made friendship bracelets in high school and sold them to raise money…but it actually helped me focus when I did it during class. Aside from what you do with your hands, the only other stuff you can think about otherwise is the material, hopefully. Write articles for University Primetime in class…with your nose. Just kidding. Everyone falls asleep once in awhile, just don’t be this guy: And if you end up being him? Brush it off – you provided some entertainment, and hey, at least you showed up to class!


20 Reasons Why Being 19 and 20 are a Complete Tease

You finally hit the big 18, usually in your senior year of High School, or in the beginning months of your freshman year of college. You think, “YES! I can buy lottery tickets, porn, cigarettes,


20 Reasons Why Being 19 and 20 are a Complete Tease (4)

5. Getting proofed while grocery shopping with your parents. 4. You can’t enjoy a nice brew with your friends or parents when you’re at a concert, or sporting event. 3. There is never anything going


20 Reasons Why Being 19 and 20 are a Complete Tease (3)

10. You’re able to serve and die for the country, but can’t even share a drink out with your family members who are home for the holidays. 9. You’re always the designated driver. WHEN IS


20 Reasons Why Being 19 and 20 are a Complete Tease (2)

15. You’re the baby out of your friends, and they’ll be 21 long before you. 14. Your significant other is older than you, meaning they can have a drink with dinner and you can’t. 13.


The University of Arizona Delta Gamma Tumblr Just Left Us Speechless

SUBMIT YOUR CONTENT TO [email protected] to be featured! Remember, FOLLOW us on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW! UofA!!!!! We will be there on Thursday and Friday and it’s going


University of Arizona Pi Beta Phi Just Lit The Tumblr World On Fire

SUBMIT YOUR CONTENT TO [email protected] to be featured! Remember, FOLLOW us on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW! UofA!!!!! We will be there on Thursday and Friday and it’s going


University of Arizona KKG Is Making Us So Hyped For Our Arizona Trip

SUBMIT YOUR CONTENT TO [email protected] to be featured! Remember, FOLLOW us on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter —-> @UPrimetime for more exclusive college content NOW! UofA!!!!! We will be there on Thursday and Friday and it’s going