How To Piss People Off Based On Their Zodiac Sign

No matter how someone is, everyone has that one thing that can send them over the edge, depending on your personality.   Since our star signs dictate so much of our personalities, zodiac signs can say a lot about what pisses someone off.  Even the most zen of signs has that one thing that is like kryptonite to their temper.  Some triggers are smaller than others, but there are ways to set off any star sign.  These are the fastest ways to piss someone off, based on their zodiac sign.

12. Aries. Interrupt their work. Aries likes moving forward with full force. If you get in the way of that, get ready to be mowed over. A pissed off Aries is a terrifying thing, so prepare to be destroyed.

11. Taurus. Catch them off guard. A Taurus depends on their stability for all things. They do not like surprises. Switch something on a Taurus and they will be completely shaken and angry.

10. Gemini. Make them wait in one place. Geminis are all over the place, and they prefer it that way. They get bored easily and hate feeling trapped. If they have to stay put, they get antsy, and it turns into straight up anger.

9. Cancer. Half-ass your friendship. Cancer loves people and feels the need to find people who love and understand them. Cancer goes out on a limb to be the best friend they can be, and if they don’t feel like it’s returned, all hell breaks loose.


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