Rules Of The Dating Game (3)

3. There’s no such thing as everything being as simple as going exclusive, going steady, or anything implying a label.  If you guys do become a “thing” it’s never put out there in spoken word.  Neither one of you wants to be the one caught telling other people you guys are “kind of a thing” because what if they don’t think that at all?

2. You respond by either getting bored, and awkwardly drift from the situation at hand- aka beginning a relationship.

1. Or you’re stuck at the other end, left in confusion, analyzing where you went wrong even though you probably did nothing wrong at all, and your “friends with benefits”, your “I don’t know we’re seeing how things go”, your consistent “Netflix and chill” now became “I don’t know we don’t really talk anymore”, without any explanation and without any valid reason to ask for one, because you guys were never really “anything” anyways.

Dating today is filled with unexplainable and hidden rules, so many that this article just covered the simple basis and none of it seems simple at all.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game

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