Seventeen Things All Sensitive People Want You To Know

I like to think that being sensitive is a gift because the world has become a place where many people have developed hearts of steel: they do not let anything get to them. While that is not a bad thing at all, there has been a loss of sensitivity and emotion in the world. If you are anything but strong in this society, you are looked at as a weakling that cannot handle the world. However, this is not the case because everybody handles things differently. We, sensitive people, form our own breed, and we ask that friends, family, and even strangers understand these facts so that they can understand us better.

17. We overthink. A lot.

If you are vague with a sensitive person, we will take your words and thoroughly dissect every possible meaning that could be embedded in them. When you tell us everything is fine, that doesn’t always reassure us; we still worry.


16. We question ourselves, too.

Unfortunately, we do not always have faith in ourselves. We worry that when we share an idea, others will not appreciate it or will disapprove. When we create ideas or have answers, they become bound to us. So, when somebody tells us that they dislike it, we might take it personally.

15. Bad decisions seem to be the end of the world

We like to make good decisions, and when we don’t, we tend to be very hard on ourselves. Chances are, we put a lot of effort into the decision, so when it backfires, we feel saddened.



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