Signs You And Your Best Friend Will Be Best Friends For Life

You both agree that you’re best friends

This may sound silly, but like romantic relationships best friend-dom is a two way street.  Having a best friend is different than having a normal friend because it entails a greater amount of emotional connection and a deeper understanding of the other person.  If you both know (even on an unspoken level) that you’re best friends and it’s not just an unrequited best friend-dom, then you’re in the clear!

You’ve seen each other ugly cry more than once

We’re not just talking about a choice number of tears here or watery eyes.  We’re talking full-on, slobbertown complete with a little dry heaving and lots of sobbing.  Being BFFs means being there for one another no matter how ugly the cry.

You’ve had at least one major fight in the history of your BFF-dom.

How could fighting be a sign of best friendship?  Well, there’s no better way break down emotional walls and be real and honest with someone than a good fight.  As long as no one’s hurt and each person is heard, a good fight can make your BFF-dom even stronger.

No matter how bad the fight, you always find a way to make up

At the end of the day, being BFFs is more important than any petty issue.  Let’s face it, you guys can’t go more than a 48 hours without talking to each other, so one of your is eventually going to apologize and that fight you just had will become something you laugh about in no time.

You guys have a language of your own.

You may as well be speaking alien-ese when you’re in public because the only people who can understand a word you say is one another.  Mix that with pee-your-pants laughter that’s sure to ensue and forget it!


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