10 Simple Things You Need To Know Before Dating The Funny Girl

Fun and funny are two traits you need to find in a girl, if not your life is going to be boring and have no entertainment. Super hilarious girls are hard to find, but once you find your one you’re going to have a full-time comedian on your hands. You’re not going to know what do with us, so i’m warning you all now- dealing with a funny girl can get kind of crazy (because we are always crazy.) If you can find someone who can pick you up when you’re down and makes your stomach hurt from laughing so hard, and put a smile on your face… Consider yourself extremely lucky.

10. Ball busting, sarcasm and being a smartass are our strong suites- We bust anyone’s chops, even if it’s some random guy at the supermarket. We will never let you live some stuff down, especially if it’s worth reminding you about every time you do something wrong. We love to be taken seriously, but enjoy determining if we’re serious or being sarcastic or a straight smartass.10

9. We can make the most of any situation- If it’s awkward, sad, upsetting, etc.. We know exactly how to make you laugh or smile, even if it’s a moment where you think you might never smile again.

8. We have a “dark side”- Every night is not like a night at the comedy club, we have our moments. We’re always going to be able to make the most of any situation and shine light on it, but it won’t always happen. We have a sassy side- as well as feelings and sometimes it’s hard to get a laugh out of them.

7. We actually want to be taken seriously- We get that we’re funny and we always joke around, but when we take something serious we actually do take it seriously.

6. Our heart is incredibly big- Yeah we crack jokes, harass you non-stop, start tickle wars, and even call you out in front of your friends, but it’s all out of love. Sometimes we don’t take simple things as seriously as other girls- but it’s okay! Why? Because you have someone to bust your chops every second of the day and we love to test you. Our main goal is to make everyone laugh and smile, but we love to please the people we love the most. As long as you’re happy and laughing we could really care less if no one else is laughing along.

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