Sorority Recruitment as Told by “Grey’s Anatomy”

College Students Portrayed by Grey's Anatomy Characters
College life is much like Grey's Anatomy - the stress, the gossip, and the occasional hookup. Here are college students portrayed Grey's Anatomy characters.

It’s that time of year again! Whether your sorority just finished recruitment or are about to start, there are a few things everyone can relate to:

When Your Recruitment Chair Walks Into the First Practice:

She’s in charge. And even though you’ve know her forever you’re still slightly terrified.

Polish Week:

Polish week can be a great time to bond with your sisters over how little you’ve eaten/slept/thought about anything other then recruitment, but it’s also the most exhausting and stressful week of your life behind exams.

Finding that perfect dress that fits every guideline:

It’s the right color, the right fit, the right material. You are going to take so many pictures and impress every sister and PNM with your beauty.



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