14 Signs You’re Used To Being Broke AF

As a college student, your bank account balance typically hovers somewhere between ‘I can almost feed myself for three days’ and ‘broke af’. Scraping by with no money is an art form. It comes quite


Ten Things That Only College Students Can Get Away With

College is an incredibly unique time in a person’s life when you are constantly around people your age, all just as confused and exhausted as you are.  In this rarity of an environment, there is


If “Netflix and Chill” Were Honest Video Is Too Good Not To Laugh

Netflix and Chill. It’s a term that has been dominating the country as of late. What does it REALLY mean to Netflix and Chill? Well, this video perfectly describes the real definition of that term.


Phases of Trying to Drag Yourself to the Gym in College

If you’re anything like me, you would much rather spend your free time off from classes and work snuggled up in your bed watching Netflix while stuffing your face with popcorn. What I should be doing,


12 Reasons Why Chipotle is MY LIFE

12. Decent Prices- Chipotle sells heaven wrapped in tin foil for less than $10! For an item of such great divinity it is well worth what you spend. And, if you’re anything like me, I get so


If College Freshmen Were Honest On Move-In Day

WAIT.… If you don’t know what www.universityprimetime.com is by now, get your head straight, SERIOUSLY. It’s kind of the hottest col­lege web­site in the world right now, so give us a LIKE on Face­book —> HERE and give us a FOLLOW on Twitter/Instagram–> @UPrimetime. You won’t regret it.


College Student Drinking Beer Under Water Is Coolest Thing Ever

So this definitely takes some skill, and I honestly have no idea how he even did it. A video has surfaced the internet of this bro drinking a beer under water. I don’t even now