20 Thoughts High School Seniors Have While Waiting To Start College

Being a high school senior is a very exciting time for a young person.  They’re sending out graduation announcements, attending parties, and receiving gifts in the mail.  The best part is what’s coming later, though.  Waiting


How It Feels to Have Never Been in a Serious Relationship

I’m twenty and I’ve never been in a relationship that’s lasted longer than a month or two. But so what, right? I’m only twenty. I still have my entire life ahead of me! I have goals and aspirations


12 Lessons I Learned From Junior Year

As a rising senior, I’ve never been more excited that a school year has ended. Looking back on the last two semesters seems to be almost like a roller coaster, it had its ups and


10 Ways to Survive Living With A Crappy Roommate

Assert Dominance – You’ve got to let your roommate know from the start that you lay down the law. Decorate your room by putting your name above the door and claiming the room to be


17 Benefits of Having a Boyfriend Since Freshman Year

I met my boyfriend of a year and a half approximately one month into my Freshman year of college.  Some might take this as a disadvantage in some way; however, when you have a boyfriend


25 Things Lynn University Students Experience During Finals Week

It’s finals week. People think that SoFlo college kids can just study by the pool, but finals week isn’t as much of a vacation as the rest of the year. Here are some things that


How to Handle being Sick at College

Coughing, Sneezing, Crying, has this happened to you? Usually when this happens your mother will storm in the room bringing gifts like soup, or medicine that is labeled cherry even though it tastes like literal


10 Reasons Why Choosing Kean University Was the Best Decision I Ever Made

When I was a senior in high school, I struggled with the endless possibilities of choosing a college or university to attend for the next 4 years. I didn’t want to attend a college or


Please Stop Assuming You Can Read My Body Language

I’ve had my fair share of times when people think that they know exactly what I’m thinking or feeling based on my body language. My arms are crossed? Well that must mean one of two


How Girls REALLY FEEL When They’re Sitting On Tinder

We’ve all tried this once or twice, some of us are more vocal about it than others-yes we’re talking about Tinder. If you’re a college student you probably have tried this hot new dating app, that