17 Reasons Why “Cinco de Mayo” Is The Best Thing Ever

17. It’s an excellent reason to host a party. 16. It’s a holiday that celebrates an underdog victory. The Mexican Army won in the Battle of Puebla, where they fought against the French. 15. It’s


How It Feels to Have Never Been in a Serious Relationship

I’m twenty and I’ve never been in a relationship that’s lasted longer than a month or two. But so what, right? I’m only twenty. I still have my entire life ahead of me! I have goals and aspirations


20 Alternate Ways to Show Someone You Appreciate Them

It’s easy to get caught up in life and forget to tell the loved ones in our life just how much we appreciate them. We make up excuses and tell ourselves that we’ll do it


15 Interesting Uses For Alcohol (When You’re Not Drinking It)

Ah, the alcoholic beverage. Beer, wine, vodka. Oh, the conversations they inspire and the memories they create. Once you’ve had a sip too many, there is never a dull moment. But the fun doesn’t end


College Perfectly Portrayed by The Vampire Diaries

20. When you stumble home after a night of partying.   19. When you’re a senior and realize you’re finally almost done with school. (Unless you decide to go to grad school.) 18. When that one person in


A Long-Distance BFF Explained

TGFT. Thank God for technology. With a best friend going to a different school, iMessage, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat make a great difference. You two still tell each other anything and everything. At parties, in


24 Disney Characters College Students Can Relate To

Disney has tons of characters with all sorts of personalities so there’s definitely going to be at least one or two you can relate to. Whether you’re certain you’re the next Cinderella or you just


15 Things From Our Childhood We Wish We Had Back

It seems like nowadays we miss the things from our childhood more than we probably liked them back then. With shows like Gilmore Girls and Full House getting reboots it’s no wonder we’re nostalgic, so


12 Thoughts We All Have Before Spring Break

Spring break is one of the most anticipated weeks in the entire college year. It’s a time for relaxation, partying, hanging out with your friends, and much more. If you’re lucky enough to go away


10 Fears You Have When You Actually Start Your Study Abroad

Planning a study abroad trip and actually going on it are two entirely different things. When you’re planning the trip you’re more likely to focus on the logistics as well as all of the places you