8 Reasons to Never Be the Couple that Sits on the Same Side of the Booth

We hate those people that sit on the same side of the booth. Like, there is a time and place to sit next to each other and it’s not in a restaurant. Save it for


Finals Week as Told by The Hunger Games

It’s that time of the semester where everything feels hopeless and you have no energy left. That’s right, it’s finals. Professors are piling on the work, you’re up for all hours of the night and


Going To The Gym Explained By A Person Who Hates Working Out

Some people really enjoy working out. They go on and on about how they get “runner’s high” and how they feel so much more energized when they go to the gym. The gym is their


11 Stresses That People Who Hate Halloween Deal With

So it’s that time of year again, October 31st is right around the corner. The majority of your friends are probably hyped, trying to figure out what to dress up as and what parties to


20 Signs You Absolutely Hate Everyone

Written By: Natalie Koh   1. The idea of getting your ass out of bed, dressing up and stepping out of your front door is just 2. When you take public transport, you can’t help