Ways To Make Extra Cash In College Besides Getting A Job

Getting by on just one job is hard nowadays. The task is made even more difficult if you intend to have fun during this time, rendering a second job impossible. Luckily there are a number


The Search for an Internship as Described by The Office

If you’re a college student, no matter what your major is, you probably want to have an internship as part of your academic career. By the time you’re a junior or a senior, you kind


Struggles Of Being A Lifeguard

It’s not as easy as it looks. Actually getting certified. It’s a horribly extensive process with getting certified in everything and passing the final exam.   Walk please! Trust me, we hate saying it just


Socializing in College: How To Not Get Stuck In Your Room Playing Video Games

The most important part of beginning your college career is making friends. Do not be fooled, social life is almost just as important as your study life! You don’t want to be that guy/girl who’s


15 Reasons To Get A Job In College

I know you’re a big time college student now and might be too busy studying and partying.. But having your own money is a need too, that way you’re not asking mom and dad every