The Sad Reality Of Growing Up – Why You Need To Focus On Just Yourself

2Some of you may take this as a reality check, some of you may relate to this , and some of you may be offended, but quite frankly, I really don’t care. The main point


How to Procrastinate the Right Way According to Andy Dwyer

College can be great, but also overwhelming. Homework, jobs, friends, sleep and food. We’re lucky if we get two of those things, let alone three or four. And sometimes, we just can’t deal. We don’t


The Struggles of Looking Younger Than Your Age

If you’re anything like me, than you are more than accustomed to the fact that you look significantly younger than your actual age. You have that “baby face” or “innocent look” that adults, classmates and


8 Ways to Refocus in Class When You’re Struggling to Stay Awake

Do you ever feel like this guy here? And then your professor stares at you or wakes you up and you have to respond like this? And then you do this again 5 minutes later? Here