11 Thoughts That Go Through your Mind Before Meeting your Tinder Match

Many college students use Tinder to meet someone and it can either be a successful experience where you get exactly what you were looking for or it could be a horrible experience in which you


The 20 Craziest Things You Can Buy Online

Have you ever wanted to buy fossilized poop or 55 gallons of lube? Who am I kidding? Of course you have! Online shopping can take you down a strange path sometimes, and we all love


8 Stages of Online Shopping

We have all online shopped, and we have all went through these stages, too. Stage 8: Realization You may have panicked a bit, but it was a great experience overall. Stage 7: Instant Regret Who


11 Ways To Stay Organized In Your Online Classes

Online classes can be quite the struggle when trying to stay up to date with them, along with your other classes. You may constantly forget a due date, what the homework was, the directions aren’t