To The Girl Who Balances Partying and School

Dear Girl Who Balances Partying and School, Monday through Thursday you can be found in the library or at a meeting for a club or at your on campus job. You work hard and strive


8 Reasons Why Professors Should Offer Extra Credit In Class

Extra credit can often be a blessing in disguise. If you’ve ever tackled a school subject that you weren’t prepared for, you understand. The great thing is that extra credit is like your second chance


14 Times Mariah Carey Described Your Feelings About College Life

Mariah Carey is a talented diva who has topped the charts with her awesome vocal range. She is most popular for hits like “Always Be My Baby” and “Vision of Love.” More recently, “Infinity.” As


Finals Week as Told by The Hunger Games

It’s that time of the semester where everything feels hopeless and you have no energy left. That’s right, it’s finals. Professors are piling on the work, you’re up for all hours of the night and


10 Stages Of Studying For Finals

I will break it to you nice and easy, finals are coming and they are coming fast. So get off your butt, and get moving! We all know that you have been dilly dallying the


12 Gifs That Describe Nursing School

Between the long labs, the hard tests and the amount of symptoms you have to remember, nursing school can be tough. Here are twelve GIFs that will help perfectly explain what nursing school feels like.


The Science Behind Studying More Efficiently

Some college students drink, others are straight edge, some hook up, and others do not…but the one thing that we all have in common is that we have to study. Energy drink fueled all nighters


The Pros and Cons of Studying in Hillman Library As A Pitt Student

SEE ALSO: 10 Struggles Only a Pitt Student Would Understand 10. Pro: Your bed isn’t there so there’s less of a temptation to sleep.Con: Your bed isn’t there. 9. Pro: You’re surrounded by other studious students


The 7 Stages Of Trying To Study At Starbucks

When you need a change of pace from studying at the library or in your room, Starbucks is a nice place to try.  Relax on a comfy chair, drink a fancy latte, and get some


15 Ways To Actually Get Work Done At The Library

Two things that are collegiate necessary evils: studying and the library.  As a central spot on any campus, lots of people enjoy going to the library to socialize or find a quiet corner to nap,